Coombe Road Primary School

Coombe Road Primary School

Every child, every family and every moment matters.

Milner Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 4BP

01273 077130


Parents and carers with children looking to start in september 2025

We are a small, inclusive primary school with a family feel, so we welcome showing you and your child around and answering your questions. In most cases, we can arrange to spend some time seeing the learning in Reception class too. Please call our office manager, Lumina Friedl, on 01273 077130 or email to arrange to come and meet us.

"Children happily attend this inclusive school. They show joy in their lessons and talk about what they know with enthusiasm." Ofsted, 2023

Latest School calendar Events

Drama Performance-Parents of Drama Club Children Invited31Mar2025

3:50 pm - 4:15 pm

Drama Club31Mar2025

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm

Yr3,4,5,6 Junior Hall/Middle Playground 3.15-4.15pm £7.50 per session Jan- 13,20,27 Feb- 3,10,24 Mar-3,10,17,24,31 Book Via-

Reception- Spring Walk in Stanmer Park01Apr2025

Yr4- Community Kitchen Trip01Apr2025

Keyboard Lessons01Apr2025

Calendars page(s): School calendar >>

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