Our curriculum lead for science is Ms Watson.
Our science curriculum is designed to give our children the opportunity to develop a sense of awe and wonder in the world around us.
As scientists we want our children to build knowledge about how the universe works, through observation and investigation. We want to provide opportunities to be CURIOUS and allow children to be RESPONSIBLE for leading their own investigations in an environment where children question with RESPECT and KINDNESS.
As scientists we want our children to work scientifically. With a focus on QUESTIONING fluency, our children repeatedly practice this skill, retrieve knowledge and build this skill in small steps. Along with developing a knowledge of simple QUESTIONING, our children will OBSERVE, notice PATTERNS, IDENTIFY and CLASSIFY, TEST and RESEARCH ( the five areas of working scientifically).
As scientists our children are AWARE and curious about the natural world. They ACCEPT the need to observe and gather evidence through scientific enquiry. They know how to ACT using scientific knowledge to ask questions through which they learn about processes and living things.
coverage and Progression in science
You can find out what the children will be learning about and the progress that they will make below: